
Friday, March 25, 2011

2nd Ultrasound

All went well. No spotting in the last two weeks...sigh of releif!

Baby A measures at 2.13cm with a heartbeat at 157.25 and Baby B measures at 1.79cm with a heartbeat of 175.

I'm super tired all of the time. I nap as soon as I get home 5ish until J gets home at 6:30 and still fall asleep at 9pm and other than pee breaks sleep through the night.

I'll post more later...just too tired.


  1. All sounds great!! Take care of yourself!

  2. Glad to hear that your ultra sounds went so well!!!! Thanks for the post on my blog and I would love to email you if you don't mind. I had a couple more questions about the egg donor process. My email address is
    I was hoping I could get the name of your clinic.

  3. Hi again,
    Thanks so much for another post on my blog. I am so relieved to hear your beta was high too. Hopefully I am having twins too!!!
