
Thursday, February 17, 2011


Its been a week so far....the 1/2 way point.

My boobs hurt a lot. J actually said they look bigger today. No touchy!!!

I've been having a few odd feelings in my abdomen for the past 2 days. I don't know how to describe the feeling. It feels like a pulse. Then my tummy feels tender likes its bruised but not. Like I just did 50 crunches but not. Like I said...I don't know how to explain the feeling. Every now and then I'll get a twinge but nothing really painful.

I kept forgetting to contact the clinic to get the report on how the embryos did through the freeze. I did yesterday. She said all 12 made it. Hun? If you've been reading my past post...the doctor told us we had 10 after the transfer. What I didn't know and he didn't elaborate was that there were 2 that were a bit slower than the others that they let go to blast. So we have 12 waiting for us!

I really miss my bathtub. I usually take a bath every second day and soak while reading a book. I miss it but I hope its worth it.

I want to POAS...wait I know its too soon. However, Monday will be 11dpt. Monday is also a holiday called "Family Day" where I live. The research that I have found say that it is possible to detect on 11dpt.

Should I?

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