
Thursday, February 24, 2011

What a day

I went this morning at 8:30am for the bloodwork. My plan for the day was to "work from home" so I would be in a private setting when I got my results. My doctor had put on the req form "need results STAT". I was sitting in the little chair waiting and I overheard the nurse ask what test are on the list of stat. Then she named off what I was getting tested for in front of the 15 people in the waiting area to overhear including other patients. Number one upset point of the day. She came over and I quitely explain that I this was a test that needed the results today and she said "in your head you think its important that they come today". WTF?!?! Then I explained that it was important that I get the results and what the test was for she didn't seem to care. I asked her if I went to another lab would it be done faster she said no. She then said an STAT test is for someone who is having a diabetic coma and the doctor needs the results in an hour (I assume that someone in that situation would no go to a walk in blood lab) but my test would be run today and the doctor would get the results today. I asked what time the blood was being picked up and she told me 10am. I just let it be at that point.

When I was on my way home from the lab(the blood lab is 5 minutes from my house) a big truck rear ended me. I'm fine and the other guy is fine, but it caused a 2.5 hour delay in my day. Phone calls with insurance and just putting a bad spin on the day.

To top it all off its now 6:00pm the nurses from my clinic have all gone home and I still don't have the results. I know I'm pregnant becuase if the POAS results I've been getting but I just want the beta numbers.


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