
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Now what?

I have been focused on getting pregnant and that whole process for a long while now. Now that I am...there are so many things that I should be thinking about that has never have crossed my mind before. I don't even know where to start...well finding an obgyn is number one. But what else?

I found this list online. It seems pretty strightforward. One thing to consider each week...sounds simple enough.

I'm getting stressed about getting stressed. I work in a moderatly stressful place. I'm a Catering Sales Consultant. I organize (food, rentals, beverages, staff) events like corporate buffet lunches for 16 guests to high end galas of 600 guests. We have a few huge events coming up and the expectation is for me to go and launch them and put out any fires that come up. Normally it wouldn't stress me out but now its getting to me...even just the little things. My work does know my infertility background I'm pretty open with it...funny to think that I won't use my name on a blog but for those who know me on a personal day to day basis I don't.

I have been running an infertility support group since September and sadly I think that I will stop running them now. Most of it is due to the fact that I want to focus on me for the next 9 months, the other major part is that I don't think its fair for me to sit in a room with women who want what I want and the further I get the more painful it might be for them, I'd feel that way in thier shoes. I do enjoy the talks that I have with the women but I don't want to make them uncomfortable either. I have only told one current member that I POSD postive. Unfortunaly, she just found out today she got a BFN for her latest IUI. I feel like I'm letting them down.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck today! I hope you get a fantastic beta! :)
