
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

International Blog Delurking Week

Held in the second week of January , Delurking Week is a time in the blogosphere when all of you silent readers are encouraged to come out of the woodwork and post a comment or two.

So, with this post, I’d like to encourage all my silent readers to say something. It doesn’t matter if you are a regular reader or if this is your first time dropping by – we’ve got a warm and friendly community – so c’mon say something.


  1. Haha.. I never knew there was an official week of delucking ;) I just started reading a bunch of blogs actually and would comment a whole heck of a lot more if I had my own blog (which I am not going to do purely out of lack of time) It seems unfair to comment and not share my own story. Basically, in a nut shell, planning on going through a March donor cycle after a tough year and a half...or so... anyway, thanks for keeping people like me (the lurkers without blog of their own) reading and feeling not so much alone.

  2. I didn't know about DL either until I read it on another blog I follow. Good luck with your upcoming donor cycle! Hard to find ladies like us willing to open up about it...
